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Betonlogos cross-promo

How to run a cross-promo for furniture?

BetonLogos effective channel
BetonLogos partnership options

Cross-promo has long been used by many Internet marketers as an effective and relatively not expensive tool additionally, and sometimes the main sales channel. The pandemic and the events of 2022 have become more than ever a test of marketing and specialists in this area.

The duration of the campaign was nine days and consisted of three letters. To begin with, we sent an announcement to the user, where he was asked to choose one of three rooms - a living room, bathroom or kitchen.

In the next letter, a promo code was sent to the distribution participant, which worked for other partners. Together with promotional codes, users received useful advice on how to better equip the selected room: organize lighting, choose furniture and suitable household appliances. So we not only attracted buyers, but also formed a loyal audience.

The third letter - with a reminder of the imminent completion of the action - is scheduled four days before the end of the campaign.

It was received only by someone who chose a room in a pineapple, but did not use the code.

The promo was as sustainable as possible: if the participant did not choose anything, we did not touch it further.

The percentage of unsubscriptions following the campaign was minimal, and the open rate of mailings doubled, from 15.47% to 34.79%, and click rate - by 0.8%.

What BetonLogos offered brands

Betonlogos company diagram
Betonlogos newsletter
Betonlogos Czech Republic letters

Here are some pitfalls you should know:
• For the frequent layout of letters among large companies, they are given to outsiders - this increases the launch time of the campaign;
• We also noticed in time that some mailing participants limited the number of letters received;
• It is very important that a single newsletter is not mixed with regular mailings - otherwise the analytics will be distorted.

What Betonlogos company offered customers

If you have been on the e-com market for a long time, then you probably know about special chats where there are many brands and they exchange different partnership options for each other (or intermediary). So, we used an alternative path. And several companies agreed to it.

We used the mailing list to promote. E-mail is the most effective channel for the promotion, which allows you to automate the process and allows you to set up a long dialogue with the client. In addition, each of the promo partners already had their own mailings - this was one of the conditions for selecting participants for our campaign.

It is worth paying attention

Pre-Launch Preparation Steps

And a few tips from practitioners:
• It is very important that the distribution partners have an adjacent or similar audience, otherwise the result will not be
• It also depends on similar or related topics, in the opposite case, some of their goods will not be needed
• Cross promo is important to do not often otherwise the audience will get used to it and the result with each will be worse
• And of course, all organizational issues must be done in advance

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